Rita Dove

Akron, OHIO

  • Photo of Crowne Plaza Hotel — Akron, Ohio
    Quaker Oats silos in downtown, now a Crowne Plaza Hotel that adapted the shapes of the silos for its rooms. — Akron, Ohio

    Like martial swans in spring paraded against the city sky’s
    shabby blue, they were always too white and
    suddenly there.

    They were never fingers, never xylophones, although once
    a stranger said they put him in mind of Pan’s pipes
    and all the lost songs of Greece. But to the townspeople
    they were like cigarettes, the smell chewy and bitter
    like a field shorn of milkweed, or beer brewing, or
    a fingernail scorched over a flame.

    No, no, exclaimed the children. They’re a fresh packet of chalk,
    dreading math work.

    They were masculine toys. They were tall wishes. They
    were the ribs of the modern world.
    Rita Dove
    Grace Notes: Poems, 1989
  • Photo of AME Zion Church — Akron, Ohio
    In “Compendium,” Dove writes that Thomas gave up fine cordials and his houndstooth vest and became a “sweet tenor” in the gospel choir. At some point, it seems to have lost its power to inspire him. According to the chronology at the end, he quit the choir at this AME Zion Church in 1946. — Akron, Ohio

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Appendix :: Literary Destinations

Rita Dove

(1952-    )

Quaker Square Inn
at The University of Akron

135 South Broadway
Akron, OH 44325-9002

Wesley Temple AME Zion Church
104 N Prospect St
Akron, OH
Phone: (330) 434-5800

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